Monday, April 15, 2013


Okay. Just wanted to clarify about my name here. I am Mabel Jehanne Soong Yongqi.

My name Mabel was given by my aunt (weird right? Normally parents name their kids, not their aunt). People call me by that name, or shorter versions, May/Mae (People seldom call me that now as I have a friend who uses the same name too and also someone I used to love calls me that), Mab or Mabe. I am fine with that.

As for my middle name, I gave Jehanne as my confirmation name. People wonder how is it pronounce or why the heck did I choose a really weird name. Well, the name is derived from the saint's name I had chosen, Saint Joan of Arc. My parents said to choose a longer name to compliment my first name. So I went and did some research on her. I found out that her french name was Jeanne. But I know people would pronounce it as 'Jeeeeeen'. I then gave up on finding anymore names until I came across 'Jehanne'. And it is pronounced as 'Je Han'. Its weird I know, but I like it. And well, someone was also in my decision making for this name long time ago. He chosed mine I chose his. Simple as that.

Another name people call me is 'Qi', my last end name. Family calls me that, and one other close person.

Also there is another pet name that all the guys in my past relationships calls me, 'bunnyhead'. Not going to disclose why.

So if you call me by May, Mabel, Mab, Mabes, Mabe, Joan, Jehanne, Qi, I pretty much answer you. Lol.

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