Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I see no future.

Looking through the fields and beyond, with the solid wind blowing through my hair. Around me, the smell of grass and dirt. With stones and pebbles just below the soles of my feet. I see the swing hanging by the tree. All this is just beyond me. I walked towards it. I hand gently touched the thick, sturdy rope. This swing brought me so many memories. I decided to just give it a spin on the swing. While the swing moves in a pendulum form, my mind wanders back to the depths of my past.

I remember this boy, the one who lives a blocks down. When we met, we were just 8 years old. We would play on this exact same swing all day, he pushes me, and I pushed him. It was so innocent, and yet so much fun. We were friends for so many years, until at 16, we kinda fall more from a basic friendship, to really best buddies. And well, it went odd for me, I began falling for him. Hormonal and all, I did fall for him.

But I could not imagine having him in my future, no doubt I like him. But, I just can't see it.

All I have with me is my own feelings, and a mind telling me its just a phase.

Even now, I feel that way.