Sunday, May 19, 2013

< 3, Lesser than Three

In my arms was a girl sleeping soundly. I smiled and gave a small peck on her hair. She stirred in my arms, and slowly opened her eyes. "Hey, good sleep?" I asked. She gave a huge grin and nod. I like morning like this. Silent and soothing. "Matthew?" she asked. "Yeah?" She pulled herself up from the bed and asked, "What is your perception of love? Like falling in love?" I gave a short thought of it before giving her my answer. "Well, I have four aspects towards love..." I replied. "Which are?" she prompt.

"Well, the first is about personality, the mind, and the attitude. I want to fall in love with a girl who is full of positive personality, a girl with personality I would fall for. I can't say what is it, but its just through getting know of the person long enough to find out."

She nod in understanding.

"The second is about the heart of the girl. I want to know about the likes and dislikes of the girl, her interests, her passion. I want to know about what she is in love about, her hobbies, her friends, her favourite things..." I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"The third is about the body of the girl... Don't get me wrong about this... I am not talking about how hot the girl is, how slender her legs are, how skinny she is." I said when I saw that she eyed me curiously. "I meant by body is that the intimacy I have with her, the closeness, her very presence when she is with me, or that the longing of her to be with me when she isn't physically there..."

"So that means you don't believe in love at first sight?" She cocks her head in curiousity.

I gave a light laugh. "You could say that. The reason why is because, love at first sight never exist. You could see a random stranger on the street and say 'Oh my god, that dude is hot!' or 'Wow, she is sexy!'. I believe that is called 'Lust at first sight', not love.

"So, you wouldn't mind me being fat and ugly then?" Phoebe asked playfully.

"Ah...having a sexy girlfriend who is beautiful and healthy is a bonus to that..." I replied in a low, husky tone.

She laughed and playfully nudge me in the ribs. Her laughs sounds like tiny little bells breaking the silence.

"What is the fourth then?" she asked.

"Well, the fourth has to be the soul. The trust of one another. I am able to let you know every little secret of mine and vice versa. Wanting to talk to you about the daily routines, even though it is the exact same things. Telling you about small little things in life. Also answering your calls at 3am in the morning because you couldn't sleep." I grinned at her when I remembered the times this happened. "Texting you when I wake up in the morning or waiting for your replies. Knowing your happiness and as well as your tears and problems and facing all that together." I traced my index finger on her palm.

"Its like wanting you in a not clingy sort of way. Able to go through life before meeting you, but because I had met you and fall in love with you, I try to think of ways to be happy, with you everyday." I see a shy smiled on her face. I leaned in and kiss her on the lips.

"Well, have you found the girl that follows all your aspects?" she asked.

I smiled. "Some people say that it is impossible to find someone who fits the bill. Like those emoticons on facebook, a heart shape is < 3, lesser than three, why find lesser than three aspects when the perfect person out there could have fill all four aspects?"

"So, have you found her yet?"

"I have. She is right in front of me. And I hope I fill the bill for her too..."

I pulled her into my embrace and kissed her.

I could feel her smile.

*(I was reading a facebook post by 'Matthew Zacharie Liu', go find him on facebook and subscribe. He had written the post somewhat like this. But I decided to give my own twist to it. His post is '4 + 1'. Hope you enjoy this! All credits goes to him!)

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