Sunday, July 29, 2012


I used to stay up till the wee hours in the morning a couple of years back, why you may ask. Well, because there is always a special person to stay up with. To laugh with, to talk to, to be happy with. But after we broke off whatever we had before, it was tough getting back into routine. Staying up really late was one of those. Yes, I still continue to stay up late, but it never felt the same. Soon, I fell into deep depression. I did not have that same feeling of staying up late. No one to laugh with, no one to even talk to, when every other leaving soul is fast asleep. I then had insomnia, a rather bad one actually. But I did not want to lose myself completely. I did whatever I could do in the day, whether studies or activities to drain your mind completely, just to be able to forget everything at night, and to just fall asleep. I had been doing that for many years now, even though sometimes you may still find me in the wee hours in the morning, awake, but that is because of some habits that were meant to be forgotten.That is also the reason why I am always depress when the night comes. Just to answer some questions about me, and why I write. Yes, the night time is when I could write best as all emotions comes, and I channel them to whatever I write.

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