The mind and the heart can never agree on the same thing and work together. Pretty much when the mind knows how huge are the risk is when something new and adventurous just suddenly pop out in the middle of nowhere, but the heart just wants to go all out for it. And eventually, the heart gets hurt. And the mind just says, 'I told you so.' I am feeling that. I was caught up in a whirlpool of happiness for nearly about a year, which I knew early on that something would happen, which it did. I got my heart broken once again. And with all the memories that goes along with this year long happiness is even harder. My mind just preservere at the wound my heart had taken. Its going to be a year since all that had happened, my heart is slowly getting back into its original self with extra scars. But my mind is sensing another problem arising that my heart is going to fall for again. So many ways my mind is trying to get my heart on the rigt track, but I am not sure how long I can keep this up...
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