All of this just started on a social forum on the internet. Someone posted a cute photo of himself. When I saw the photo, I smiled. It looked so cute and funny, yet, endearing. It was a photo of him when he was just three; he took the photo of his young self and retook it at the same place after many years later. The black and white photo from the past merges so well with the bright colours of present time. So, I decided to reply the person:
“@MattinP01-Hey, this looks so cute. =)”
Somehow, I waited for him to reply, which was something I wouldn’t do in any of the social sites. But heck, I wouldn’t even comment a stranger’s photo in the first place. But this time, I don’t know what has got into me. After nearly an hour of waiting, I suddenly felt stupid of waiting and even more stupid that I even commented the photo. I decided to just leave my laptop and do something more decent.
That night, I went back to my laptop to find some songs to download when I noticed someone had replied me and there was a private message for me. I clicked opened the reply:
“@Caithlin1234- Thanks Caithlin, I suddenly had this wild idea of doing this. =)”
I smiled. I don’t know why, but I actually smiled at his reply. Then, I opened the private message. Right before my eyes was the sender’s name: Mattin Pierre. Suddenly it just hit me; it was the same guy who just replied my comment. I quickly clicked on his message:
*Mattin- Hello, my name’s Mattin, and you’re Caithlin, right? =)
Somehow, this Mattin guy doesn’t feel like a stranger to me. So, I decided to reply him.
*Caithlin- Yeap. =) So, let me guess, you’re a French?
He replied!
*Mattin-Yeap. =)
This went on and on and on, until we added each other of facebook, skype, myspace, and whatever other social network we both had. Soon, we even went on webcam. We talked to each other daily, shared about our interest, our hobbies, our dreams, even our secrets too. One thing led to the other, I suddenly fell for him. I actually thought that I was just having a mere crush on him. But as days passed, that feeling became even more stronger than I could have imagine. I always look forward to those long chatting sessions we always would have. I felt like he could relate to my problems and understand me like no other did. But then, I didn’t even know whether was he single, or taken.
After nearly six months of knowing each other, he suddenly dropped the bombshell which I never had and never will regret about it. It was during on one of our skype sessions. “Hey Caithlin, what type of guys do you fall for?” he asked with that sweet French accent that I always loved. I pretended to think about it but I already knew the answer to that. “Well…someone sweet and caring, someone who also understands me well. Someone who always makes me laugh when I am sad, and most importantly, someone who likes me, for me.” I replied. ‘Someone like you…” I thought. He suddenly became nervous. “I…erm…I have to go. Bye.” And he left. I felt sad. That day’s skype session was shorter than usual. Suddenly, I heard a soft beep. It was a private message from Mattin:
“Caith, I wanted to tell you just now in skype, but I guess I chickened out. Caithlin, I love you…since the first time I replied your comment. I will understand if you don’t feel the same way for me.”
My heart skipped like a million beats per second. He felt the same way for me too! I don’t know how to reply him. But in the end, I left my number and asked him to call.
I waited, and waited, and waited. It felt like an infinity. I even started bitting my nails. Suddenly, I heard my phone rang. The caller ID was a foreign number. I quickly answer the phone. “Hello?” It felt odd hearing Mattin’s voice over the phone. When I heard his voice, it felt like every problem in the world didn’t matter to me. But then, there was this awkward silence between the both of us. I tried to break that. “I…er…I feel the same way too…” And right after that, he hunged up. I stared into my phone, trying to think what had I said wrong. A few seconds later, he went on skype. “Caith, are you serious?” he asked. I could see the excitement in his eyes. I tried not to blush. I just gave a nod. I heard him screamed in glee. Since then, things went on great for us.
For the whole two years, we kept the fire in our relationship strong through many skype sessions, phone calls and many sweet letters. I remembered the first letter he had sent to me on my 17th birthday.
“Dear my sweet Caith,
You are one year older now, sweetheart. I am really happy to have known you, and to have you be my girlfriend. I really love you, and miss you too. Here’s something for my favourite girl on her day. =)
Ily and Imy.
He gave me a beautiful bracelet with both my initials and his were carved: MP loves CJ. It was so sweet. I also sent him some things on special occasions. After 2 long but great years together, we decided to meet, not through skype but face-to-face. We swored and pinky-sweared through skype that I will go to Mattin’s country next summer holidays. We both counted the days till summer.
And when it finally came. I couldn’t wait to finally hug him, kiss him. I remember being so happy packing my bags. My sister, Paige staring intently what I was doing. “Sissy, why are you so happy?” I smiled and ruffled her hair. “I am going to meet someone special…” I didn’t remember anything else after that. The next thing I knew, I was at the airport, hugging my parents and little Paige. I had some tears but my heart was bursting soon. Another 19 hours and I can meet the guy who had stolen my heart!
When the plane landed, I suddenly felt nervous. I didn’t know what to expect from Mattin. Will he change when he sees me now? I remember nervously walking out from the departure hall, trying to find Mattin. Suddenly, I saw a guy running towards me, smiling. He ran up to me and hugged me tight. “Caith! I don’t believe this!” He hugged me and carried me in joy. I suddenly felt so happy too. We kissed each other like there was no tomorrow. He helped me carry my bags, his other hand hugged me in the waist. He whispered many, many ‘I love you’s into my ear and kissed my cheek many, many times. I felt so happy.
I was going to stay at his place for 13 days. We tried to made up for lost time and practically spent every single second together. For the first week, Mattin brought me to various places in Paris. It was so beautiful to begin with. But, I didn’t care about anything around me. My world then revolves only around Mattin. Meeting him for the first time, I noticed so many characteristics I adore, which made me love him even more. His soft grey and green eyes, his crooked grin, his sweet smile, oh my gosh, I love him!
The second week, I told him we don’t really need to visit the many tourist spots in Paris. “I just want to be with you Mattin...” I said. He smiled and gave me a peck on my lips, “Ok, Mademoiselle Caithlin. What do you want to do?” he asked. I grabbed my DSLR and whispered into his ear, “Just follow me…” and kissed him. I took him and brought him to a lake nearby. I asked a tourist to help us take some photos for us.
During sunset, I was looking at the beautiful red hues. Suddenly, I felt Mattin’s arms sneaking around my waist. “What are you thinking, Caith?” and he kissed my temple. I let my body sink into his, “I was just thinking how perfect is this. Mattin, you know I love you, right?” He hugged me even tighter. “Oui, Caith. You know I do…”
For the rest of the time I was there, I felt so happy. It was the happiest moment in my life.
When it was my time to leave, I cried. I didn’t want to leave Mattin. I remember crying while I was packing. Mattin tried to comfort me, saying that he will come to my country to see me again. He helped me pack my things and carried them into a cab. During the twenty minute ride to the airport, I held his hand as tight as possible. I didn’t want to forget that feeling when I get back home.
In the departure hall, I tried not to cry, but I couldn’t help it. He hugged me, and kissed me. I could see the tears in his eyes too. Because of that, I was sobbing again. He kissed me on my cheek, he kissed me on my forehead, and he kissed me on my lips, just trying to soothe and comfort me. When I heard my flight, we both knew I had to leave. I hugged him tight, and he hugged me even tighter. I didn’t want to leave. “Caith, this is for you, opened it when you are on the plane. Caithlin, remember, je t’aime…” He gave me a small parcel. He walked me to the departure hall and kissed me one last time and ushered me to go. I waved and waved at him. I hopped on the escalator and waved even more. Tears streaming down. I waved till I couldn’t see him anymore. I wiped my tears dry, but the pain was still there. I was oblivious of my surroundings. The next moment, I was in the plane.
I suddenly remembered about the small parcel Mattin gave me. Inside the parcel was a silver ring, a photograph and a letter. I opened the letter and read it:
“Dear Caith,
I gave you this photograph and this ring so that you can remember me and our time here at Paris. This ring is a promise ring. I promise you that I will come over to visit you. I have one exactly like yours too and I am wearing it now. Caithlin, I love you, and I miss you already.
I twirled the ring in my fingers a little while before putting it on my ring finger and smiled. I wiped the remains of my tears. I looked at the photograph and laughed. Behind the photograph, it wrote:
“To hold one another,
To kiss each other,
To hug each other
To cry together,
To laugh together.
Caithlin, I love you..."
*The photo is actually the photo you saw above. Enjoy! "
P/S: This story was inspired by a video and if you noticed something similar as this, it means that is the video! =)
Pp/S: The photo was from 'Dear Photograph'. Another site where I got my inspiration from. Credits to them. =)
“@MattinP01-Hey, this looks so cute. =)”
Somehow, I waited for him to reply, which was something I wouldn’t do in any of the social sites. But heck, I wouldn’t even comment a stranger’s photo in the first place. But this time, I don’t know what has got into me. After nearly an hour of waiting, I suddenly felt stupid of waiting and even more stupid that I even commented the photo. I decided to just leave my laptop and do something more decent.
That night, I went back to my laptop to find some songs to download when I noticed someone had replied me and there was a private message for me. I clicked opened the reply:
“@Caithlin1234- Thanks Caithlin, I suddenly had this wild idea of doing this. =)”
I smiled. I don’t know why, but I actually smiled at his reply. Then, I opened the private message. Right before my eyes was the sender’s name: Mattin Pierre. Suddenly it just hit me; it was the same guy who just replied my comment. I quickly clicked on his message:
*Mattin- Hello, my name’s Mattin, and you’re Caithlin, right? =)
Somehow, this Mattin guy doesn’t feel like a stranger to me. So, I decided to reply him.
*Caithlin- Yeap. =) So, let me guess, you’re a French?
He replied!
*Mattin-Yeap. =)
This went on and on and on, until we added each other of facebook, skype, myspace, and whatever other social network we both had. Soon, we even went on webcam. We talked to each other daily, shared about our interest, our hobbies, our dreams, even our secrets too. One thing led to the other, I suddenly fell for him. I actually thought that I was just having a mere crush on him. But as days passed, that feeling became even more stronger than I could have imagine. I always look forward to those long chatting sessions we always would have. I felt like he could relate to my problems and understand me like no other did. But then, I didn’t even know whether was he single, or taken.
After nearly six months of knowing each other, he suddenly dropped the bombshell which I never had and never will regret about it. It was during on one of our skype sessions. “Hey Caithlin, what type of guys do you fall for?” he asked with that sweet French accent that I always loved. I pretended to think about it but I already knew the answer to that. “Well…someone sweet and caring, someone who also understands me well. Someone who always makes me laugh when I am sad, and most importantly, someone who likes me, for me.” I replied. ‘Someone like you…” I thought. He suddenly became nervous. “I…erm…I have to go. Bye.” And he left. I felt sad. That day’s skype session was shorter than usual. Suddenly, I heard a soft beep. It was a private message from Mattin:
“Caith, I wanted to tell you just now in skype, but I guess I chickened out. Caithlin, I love you…since the first time I replied your comment. I will understand if you don’t feel the same way for me.”
My heart skipped like a million beats per second. He felt the same way for me too! I don’t know how to reply him. But in the end, I left my number and asked him to call.
I waited, and waited, and waited. It felt like an infinity. I even started bitting my nails. Suddenly, I heard my phone rang. The caller ID was a foreign number. I quickly answer the phone. “Hello?” It felt odd hearing Mattin’s voice over the phone. When I heard his voice, it felt like every problem in the world didn’t matter to me. But then, there was this awkward silence between the both of us. I tried to break that. “I…er…I feel the same way too…” And right after that, he hunged up. I stared into my phone, trying to think what had I said wrong. A few seconds later, he went on skype. “Caith, are you serious?” he asked. I could see the excitement in his eyes. I tried not to blush. I just gave a nod. I heard him screamed in glee. Since then, things went on great for us.
For the whole two years, we kept the fire in our relationship strong through many skype sessions, phone calls and many sweet letters. I remembered the first letter he had sent to me on my 17th birthday.
“Dear my sweet Caith,
You are one year older now, sweetheart. I am really happy to have known you, and to have you be my girlfriend. I really love you, and miss you too. Here’s something for my favourite girl on her day. =)
Ily and Imy.
He gave me a beautiful bracelet with both my initials and his were carved: MP loves CJ. It was so sweet. I also sent him some things on special occasions. After 2 long but great years together, we decided to meet, not through skype but face-to-face. We swored and pinky-sweared through skype that I will go to Mattin’s country next summer holidays. We both counted the days till summer.
And when it finally came. I couldn’t wait to finally hug him, kiss him. I remember being so happy packing my bags. My sister, Paige staring intently what I was doing. “Sissy, why are you so happy?” I smiled and ruffled her hair. “I am going to meet someone special…” I didn’t remember anything else after that. The next thing I knew, I was at the airport, hugging my parents and little Paige. I had some tears but my heart was bursting soon. Another 19 hours and I can meet the guy who had stolen my heart!
When the plane landed, I suddenly felt nervous. I didn’t know what to expect from Mattin. Will he change when he sees me now? I remember nervously walking out from the departure hall, trying to find Mattin. Suddenly, I saw a guy running towards me, smiling. He ran up to me and hugged me tight. “Caith! I don’t believe this!” He hugged me and carried me in joy. I suddenly felt so happy too. We kissed each other like there was no tomorrow. He helped me carry my bags, his other hand hugged me in the waist. He whispered many, many ‘I love you’s into my ear and kissed my cheek many, many times. I felt so happy.
I was going to stay at his place for 13 days. We tried to made up for lost time and practically spent every single second together. For the first week, Mattin brought me to various places in Paris. It was so beautiful to begin with. But, I didn’t care about anything around me. My world then revolves only around Mattin. Meeting him for the first time, I noticed so many characteristics I adore, which made me love him even more. His soft grey and green eyes, his crooked grin, his sweet smile, oh my gosh, I love him!
The second week, I told him we don’t really need to visit the many tourist spots in Paris. “I just want to be with you Mattin...” I said. He smiled and gave me a peck on my lips, “Ok, Mademoiselle Caithlin. What do you want to do?” he asked. I grabbed my DSLR and whispered into his ear, “Just follow me…” and kissed him. I took him and brought him to a lake nearby. I asked a tourist to help us take some photos for us.
During sunset, I was looking at the beautiful red hues. Suddenly, I felt Mattin’s arms sneaking around my waist. “What are you thinking, Caith?” and he kissed my temple. I let my body sink into his, “I was just thinking how perfect is this. Mattin, you know I love you, right?” He hugged me even tighter. “Oui, Caith. You know I do…”
For the rest of the time I was there, I felt so happy. It was the happiest moment in my life.
When it was my time to leave, I cried. I didn’t want to leave Mattin. I remember crying while I was packing. Mattin tried to comfort me, saying that he will come to my country to see me again. He helped me pack my things and carried them into a cab. During the twenty minute ride to the airport, I held his hand as tight as possible. I didn’t want to forget that feeling when I get back home.
In the departure hall, I tried not to cry, but I couldn’t help it. He hugged me, and kissed me. I could see the tears in his eyes too. Because of that, I was sobbing again. He kissed me on my cheek, he kissed me on my forehead, and he kissed me on my lips, just trying to soothe and comfort me. When I heard my flight, we both knew I had to leave. I hugged him tight, and he hugged me even tighter. I didn’t want to leave. “Caith, this is for you, opened it when you are on the plane. Caithlin, remember, je t’aime…” He gave me a small parcel. He walked me to the departure hall and kissed me one last time and ushered me to go. I waved and waved at him. I hopped on the escalator and waved even more. Tears streaming down. I waved till I couldn’t see him anymore. I wiped my tears dry, but the pain was still there. I was oblivious of my surroundings. The next moment, I was in the plane.
I suddenly remembered about the small parcel Mattin gave me. Inside the parcel was a silver ring, a photograph and a letter. I opened the letter and read it:
“Dear Caith,
I gave you this photograph and this ring so that you can remember me and our time here at Paris. This ring is a promise ring. I promise you that I will come over to visit you. I have one exactly like yours too and I am wearing it now. Caithlin, I love you, and I miss you already.
I twirled the ring in my fingers a little while before putting it on my ring finger and smiled. I wiped the remains of my tears. I looked at the photograph and laughed. Behind the photograph, it wrote:
“To hold one another,
To kiss each other,
To hug each other
To cry together,
To laugh together.
Caithlin, I love you..."
*The photo is actually the photo you saw above. Enjoy! "
P/S: This story was inspired by a video and if you noticed something similar as this, it means that is the video! =)
Pp/S: The photo was from 'Dear Photograph'. Another site where I got my inspiration from. Credits to them. =)
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